Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Snapping Beans

I was sitting on the back porch this evening snapping green beans, prepartory to blanching them and freezing them. They were certainly nice-looking beans, and we got so many of them that I wanted to freeze the ones we wouldn't eat this week while they were still fresh. Even though they were picked on Friday, they still looked very fresh on Tuesday. I imagine some green beans you get at the store take a lot longer than four days just to travel from field to store, so I was happy to get these beans frozen while they were still so fresh.
Anyway, I got to thinking about the many, many green beans I snapped sitting on my great-grandmother's back porch. She didn't live in some old Victorian with a big back porch; she lived in a modern brick two-family with a glass-enclosed porch, but that's still where I sat when I snapped beans, right on the back stoop between the dining room and the porch. When I was done, she'd cook the living daylights out of them. (I like them a little more al dente these days.)
When I went down with a few bags of beans to put in the basement freezer, I found I still had a bag of corn and one of chopped green peppers from last season. I believe that's all that is left, except for half a jar of green tomato chutney in the refrigerator. I believe I'll make some succotash from that corn and the green peppers. Which reminds me of my Grandma Alice . . . but that's another story.

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