Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Chance for a Little Late Season Produce

Hello CSA'rs,

On Saturday, a couple of nursery team along with volunteers from Xavier HS, put the greenhouse nursery to bed. Now the compost team is mulching the bare beds outside the greenhouse. Another dedicated group is putting the garage back together so our equipment can be safely stored there.

Food is still available:
The nursery workers harvested seven flats of green and ripening tomatoes. If you want any of these (you can take and ripen them at home), you may come in any time this week and take what you want. There are Three foam boxes of ripening ones to the right and four of green to the left. Please bring your own bags. And do leave them covered as you find them.

Also still available:
--Small amount of onions in basket.
--Oregano prunings for drying.
--Lemongrass to dry for tea.
--Some rather large bok choy in the cooler.
--And about forty pounds of radishes in the cooler.

This food will remain available this week, and whatever is left that is still usable will be taken to the Manna food pantry on Saturday morning.

While you are there, you may harvest some kale from the beds in the greenhouse. It is beautiful and needs to be harvested to encourage it to continue growing. If you've never done this before, please note how the outer leaves are broken from the plant to allow the inner ones to continue growing. Follow the example of the first few plants in the rows near the center aisle that have been harvested. Follow the example of the first few plants in the rows near the center aisle that have been harvested. Do not take one or two leaves from many plants, but fully harvest a few plants until you have what you need. Happy eating.

Happy eating,