Thursday, September 20, 2012

Zingy Pepper Soup

I’ve still got a lot of peppers left from last week’s share. Maybe you do, too. I thought I’d make some savory pepper soup; this cool weather is just right for a hot and spicy soup.

The recipe is from a cookbook titled The Vegetarian Epicure. A friend of ours gave it to us 29 years ago, solely because he was dating a girl who was a vegetarian at the time. He was gamely eating soy burgers, but I think he knew the food could be better, and he knew we grew a lot of vegetables in the backyard. He was probably angling for a dinner invitation with an appetizing eggplant entree. Maybe.

Anyway, the cookbook has served me well over the years, and this pepper soup recipe is one of my favorites. Use a mixture of sweet and hot peppers and it will still have that zing, without making you cry for mercy as your eyes water.

Pepper Soup
1 cup peppers, finely chopped
2 lbs. ripe tomatoes
1 onion, chopped
1/12 cups water
3 Tablespoons butter
3 Tablespoons flour
1 ½ tsp fresh grated lemon peel
Salt and black pepper
1 cup cooked brown rice
Sour cream
Fresh dill, parsley, or basil

Pick out an assortment of small and medium sized peppers—yellow, orange, red, and green, sweet and hot. The more hot peppers in the assortment, the more fiery the soup. You’ll need about 10 to 12 peppers. Wash them, cut them open, discard all the seeds and pulp, and chop the rest very fine (you can use a food processor). You should have 1 cup of finely chopped peppers.

Scaled the tomatoes and peel them. Chop the onion. Now, put all the vegetables, including the minced peppers, into the food processor and puree them. Transfer them to a pot, add the water, and simmer the mixture for about 20 minutes.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan and stir in the flour to make a roux. Cook it awhile, stirring all the time, and then pour in a little of the hot vegetable mixture. Whisk it to make a smooth sauce, then pour it back into the soup. Continue to stir and simmer the soup mixture for about 10 minutes.

Add the lemon peel, grind in the fresh black pepper, and add salt to taste. Stir in the cooked brown rice, heat through, and serve the soup garnished with a dollop of sour cream and some chopped herbs. Serves 4.

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