May I have a drum roll, please? It’s a good joke, but you know you can’t really live by lettuce alone, you need some dressing. (Um, there’s probably an off-color joke in that somewhere, if you are inclined to go down that road.)
All joking aside, here’s my balsamic vinaigrette recipe, which I had to think very hard about to make up into a written recipe. I make this all the time and just eyeball the ingredients, so you might want to adjust the amounts a wee bit to suit your own taste.
Julie’s Balsamic Vinaigrette
3 Tbsps. balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp. cider vinegar
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
½ tsp. xanthan gum (optional)*
Minced garlic (or a bit of granulated garlic if you’re in a hurry)
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil
Vegetable oil
Whisk the first six ingredients together in a large bowl, then add about 3 tablespoons of good olive oil, still whisking. Then add about a half cup of vegetable oil of your choice slowly, while whisking, so the dressing emulsifies. Taste, and if it is too sharp, add a little more vegetable oil. Toss on those greens and enjoy!
* Xanthan gum is a powdered substance that helps dressings emulsify; I learned about it in a cooking class all about salad dressings. It’s nice if you happen to have some, but if you don’t, just be sure to mix up the dressing well before using it.
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