Saturday, July 24, 2010

Making Salsa with Maddie

This week's Children's Garden included making fresh salsa from the veggies grown in our garden.   Maddie walks us through the steps involved:

Checking out the different veggies that will be in the salsa!
Garlic fresh from the garden!
Maddie peels the garlic to get it ready for the salsa.
Tomatillos are a little different from tomatoes.  David taught us that some are sweet and some are sour.
Mom helps with the tough cutting.
All of the fantastic, fresh veggies are cut and ready to go.
We put the veggies into the processor.
Start with the all veggies but the tomatoes; we'll add them last.
Now it's time for the tomatoes!

We were also treated to a song by David.  Look forward to hearing that in the coming days!


  1. Great job with the salsa! Can't wait to see more on the blog!!

  2. The salsa was wonderful! It's so nice to taste things made from fresh veggies while working pack-out! -Beth A

  3. Thanks for posting! Maddie had a lot of fun and is ready to make more salsa today :)
