The reason you'll see the holiday spelled as Lughnasa and Lughnasadh is simply because Irish uses a somewhat different alphabet than English, and when words are transliterated into English, the spelling can vary (like Chinese place names, such as Peking, which is now Beijing). It's all referring to the same thing, a first harvest celebration. [Note that the "dh" at the end of one spelling is silent; the holiday is pronounced "Loo-nah-zuh."]
The Imago website includes the following description about the celebration they have planned for Saturday evening: "Lughnasadh marks the time between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Lughnasadh, also called Lammas, is the Celebration of Harvest . . . This is the time of the first harvests." We're lucky that our harvests at the Enright CSA started much earlier and will go on for several more months, but that's just all the more reason to celebrate this harvest festival of Lughnasa.
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