I seriously overextended myself on Sunday, though; there were pots boiling and dishes piling up in the sink; the food processor was whirring and at least three cutting boards were in use at any given moment. I didn’t finish everything, but I processed what was left by the next evening, so now I have fresh and frozen pesto, and plenty of green beans to get through the winter. I feel like a good little ant, not a profligate grasshopper, as summer turns to fall. I don’t see any leaves turning yet, but I guess it’s just a matter of time.
And that means more cold-weather crops, but I am hoping that there’s enough warmth left in the Indian summer to come that we’ll still be seeing plenty of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, and of course basil. At least I hope so . . . except maybe for the basil. Happy Fall!
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