Hello all,
David and I are participating in AmeriCorps training at Urban Appalachian Council all week, so you won't see much of us. And I won't be here over the weekend either. Thought I'd touch base this way.
There will be no share pick up again this week. Hope you are getting the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants out of there. Also, the eggs were delivered, so please write eggs into your menus for the week. Just put the money in the basket in the cooler. Pick up will resume September 18 with squash, garlic, pears and new lettuce.
A few people said they'd be up for some kind of group sharing, learning during the Saturday pick up time, but I won't be on hand to provide the impetus. David suggested that we could harvest the basil and a group could make pesto together. But we will be swamped with high school volunteers on Saturday so the staff may be wanting to supervise some heavy labor. Whatever activity you might be interested in, perhaps a couple of you will want to organize on line or by phone and promote.
Special occasion: A group of members are organizing a baby shower for Heather, whose baby is due in November. Heather served in a full time AmeriCorps position starting from July 2009-July 2010. She has continued to volunteer as a work share member since then and has contributed a great deal to the CSA. The shower will be held during the pot luck prior to the members meeting on Thursday, October 7 so put the date in your calendar. An email with the details will follow next week.