Thanksgiving Harvest & Pick-Up
Thanksgiving Harvest will occur this Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, from 9am-4pm. Pick-Up will be on Wednesday from 4-6pm. Contact Dave (614.441.1223) if you'd like to help with either Harvest or Pack-Out.
Egg Delivery
Eggs will continue to be available every Saturday through the end of December. The eggs and money jar will be in the cooler at the greenhouse for you to help yourself.
End-of-Season Evaluation
What sets our CSA apart from farmers' markets, grocery stores, and even traditional models of CSA, is the community! This means that your input and contribution really make a difference. Please bring your evaluation with you to the Thanksgiving Pick-Up on Wednesday. Please contact Amy Stross at amy(at)strosspub(dot)com if you aren't able to return the evaluation on Wednesday, and we can make other arrangements.
Meeting Summary
Though we had a lot to cover in a short amount of time, we were able to give our thanks and say our farewells to an abundant and successful 2010 season. This included a sharing of our gratitude to Suellyn for all that she did in the past two years as the glue that held all of the pieces of the operation together, including member needs and questions, communications (between Charles, interns, members, ecovillage and public), social event organization, contribution in the gardens, and so many, many other things for which we will never know. Thanks, Suellyn!
Below I'll briefly summarize some main points from the November 17th Final Potluck & Meeting 2010 Season Reports.
2010 Work Hours: Total hours worked = 1,885. This is twice the amount of hours worked in 2009!
2010 Financial Summary Highlights: Income totals come out to $43,256. Around 48% of income came from inkind and cash conations, 33% of the income from member share prices, 12% from grants, and 7% from fundraisers (including our awesome benefit concert!). The bulk of expenses come from labor (42%- great bargain!), supplies (40%), and water/sewer (4%). Many financial contributions were not recorded, and came in the form of labor, supplies, and water, indicating a fantastic commitment to the success of the CSA project by members.
2010 Garden Summary: Charles is focused on increasing our harvest per square foot of gardening space. Perhaps a summary of what we grew and how much will be accessible to members in the near future.
2011 Planning
The second half of the meeting was an energetic brainstorming activity as we looked ahead to the 2011 season.
After the Thanksgiving Weekend be on the lookout for an email which reviews in more detail Notes from the 2011 Planning portion of the meeting and the results of the End-of-Season Evaluation.
Send an email to if you have a special interest in contributing to the leadership and planning for the 2011 season.
And Please remember to return your evaluations.
Amy Stross and the Potluck Team (Charles Griffin, Chris Boatwright, Jim Schenk, and Nancy Sullivan)